This blog explains the benefits of making bad decisions...ummmmm...really bad decisions!!! This will show how taking risk is hot and avoiding risk is lame!!! The only security in life is to take risk!!! This will tell you why unreason is better than reason!!! Ever thought why unreasonable person are more successful??? Ever been understood??? Ever been challanged by your own imagination??? Ever lived??? This blog is for you!!!
Popcorn time over!!!
Despite of all sort of discouragement (concentrating on girls was a good suggestion) from every known person I decided to keep my dream alive. But with little knowledge (limited only to eating chocolates) and nothing substantial I decided to continue with Physics and chemistry and I failed in both the subject. Somehow I cleared my 12th, took admission in BBA and was enjoying my life doing nothing...But somewhere my dream of making chocolate was still ruling my heart... and with no option of starting it, I continue eating and hating Cadbury(I guess eating was my priority at that time)
People laugh at me. They said it is impossible to start with your own manufacturing plant without any prior experience in making chocolates (Come on!!! I have 18 years of experience of eating chocolates and nearly 3 years of gifting chocolates).
So to all those people who told me it is impossible, the next few lines are for you:
In your face losers... Six years later I am making my own chocolates under the brand name Chocolicious and I still don’t know how to make chocolates. But I still know how to eat them and now I also know How to sell them:-)
Wondering what’s next???
Aaaahhhhhhh....Beating Cadbury at their own game...Yup this is next and I with my partners have started the journey towards the top and now there is no looking back:-):-)
Shuttle28...seems 2 b a weird name for a blog(even for a kid too)...but it is not
Ths blog is all abt role of a shuttle and 28 in my life...Its about motivation, true inspiring incident...its about how to get close to a failure and then suddenly you turned the game upside down and emerge as a winner...aahhh i think insanely awesome winner because most of the time going closer to the failure is my own choice:-)
Wondering wht is 28???
Chill ask me later...
Wondering How could a shuttle play role in a person life???
First thing first it is just not a shuttle...it is yonex made model no. 10 shuttle which changed my life, oh it is still changing my life, sometime my thoughts, sometimes my girlfriend...oops(I hope the next girl in my life does not read my blog)...
Together upto some extent they made me what I am today...An entrepreneur, A responsible citizen, Venture Capitalist...and absolutely single guy in the town(info specially for all the beautiful girls reading this blog)
Enough for description ;-)