I am just wondering about what my 21 years old friend(special one) overheard or felt in her home lately.....
She: "Amit...i need to ask something?"
Me: "Yes..." [oh god, What's in her mind???]
She: "Do you know what comes first, the left hand or the right hand?"
Me: "Ummmm...ahhhh...well, I don't think I know..."
She: [confidently says] "I think the left hand comes first"
Me: "Why???"
She: "Because 'L' comes before 'R' and everything is always in alphabetical order."
Everything is right in her world... She is like this only. Sometime she talks like some 60 years old lady who is showering you with her wisdom and most of the time she behave like a child talking all innocent talks...asking all possible stupid questions in the world. She makes you laugh terribly even if you don't want to:-):-)...One day she dream to have a executive cabin in which she really want to do some serious work(one of them is to take Uncle chips in her briefcase and eat them right there in that cabin)
P.S: This Post is dedicated to a wonderful human being, awesome friend and the most naughtiest, funniest person I know!!!